The K1
The ultimate keeled hiking dinghy for single-handed sailing
– an extremely modern class providing excellent racing throughout the UK. The K1 has proven to be competitive in large mixed fleet sailing such as the “Sailjuice” series, the Exmoor Beastie, P.O.S.H and is exciting in the open meetings organised by the association.
The K1 has been proven to be a fast, reliable boat suited to sailors of all shapes and sizes as well as different levels of expertise.Over 170 owners enjoy their boats in every conceivable location from the sea, coastal estuaries, rivers and all the way to Windermere sized lakes. As well as established fleets in a number of locations there are boats spread across the country and owners willing to demonstrate the boat to all those interested.
Fitted Hull Weight 45kg
Keel Weight 62kg
Length 4.57m
Width 1.3m
Mast Length 6m
Sail Area 11sqm
Ideal Racing Weight 80-110kg
Designer Paul Handley
Year Designed 2009
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